2015年12月18日 星期五


  1. 確保這是關乎你的決定。對自己的決定負責任,不要用任何理由來怪別人。解釋這個行動是對你有意義的。
  2. 承認別人會受到影響。你的離職確實會對你的上司與同事造成不方便。你要承認並面對他們在短期內遭受到的困難。
  3. 保持聯繫。不要斷絕所有的聯繫,因為你不知道是否將來還會發生生麼。如果可能,設法成為你的老闆的自由工作者或是顧問。
Resignation with a style
When you decide to leave, do something in style.
  1. Make sure it's about your decision. Take responsibility for your decisions, and do not blame others for any reason. It makes sense to you to explain this action.
  2. Admit that others will be affected. Your departure will really be inconvenient for your boss and colleagues. You have to acknowledge and face the difficulties they face in the short term.
  3. Keep in touch. Don't break all ties, because you don't know if there will be any future. If possible, try to be a freelance worker or consultant to your boss.

