2015年11月18日 星期三


Improve your strengths, not your weaknesses
Work on your weakness, is painful. Who wants than ordinary people for the weak foundation, takes great strength to improve only slightly a little bit of progress than others? For many people, even a lifetime to do.
However, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Some of your strengths are not what others can do. Focus on your strengths instead of trying your best to improve your weaknesses.
You can focus on your strengths, make it even better, and make it your unique asset. Ultimately, it will lead your company to a different competitive edge with your strengths.
Of course, on the basis of what you are already excellent, it is not easy to make a better progress ahead of you, but you will revel in it because you have enjoyed the experience of that progress.
You don't have to worry about having a great advantage. Have you ever experienced a boss who has so many and very good qualities that he can't be a leader?

