- 先瞭解企業或老闆關切的優先項目。若是你發現你所關切的並非老闆優先關切的,可能是自己選錯項目,或是老闆關切的必須調整了。若是後者,先妥善準備好背景資料,陳述公司應該重新聚焦的理由。
- 若是老闆關切的重點並沒有錯,只是沒有抓到重點,或是過於發散。可以先問老闆的短期與長期目標是如何的?複述你的瞭解,讓和老闆之間有共同的語彙。接著,提出你的解決方案。
- 注意老闆的潛台詞、肢體語言。判斷自己究竟是不是老闆最願意坦誠溝通的人。若不是,安排老闆所信任的人,為你代打。
- 指出問題的嚴重性。無論老闆是有意或是無意的說出你認為不能聚集的話語,而事態緊迫,或將影響深遠,直接用簡明的語言說出你的顧慮,不要長篇大論。同樣的,安排對老闆有影響力的人發言,通常效果會比較好。
What are the key questions that can help your boss focus?
- Understand the priorities of the business or the boss. If you find that your concern is not your boss's priority, it may be that you have chosen the wrong project, or that your boss's concern has to be adjusted. If the latter is the case, the background information should be properly prepared and the reasons why the company should refocus should be stated.
- If the focus of the boss's concern is not wrong, it is just not focused, or too divergent. What are the short-term and long-term goals of the boss? Retell what you know and share a common vocabulary with your boss. Next, come up with your solution.
- Pay attention to the boss's subtext and body language. Judge whether you are the one who the boss is most willing to communicate honestly. If not, arrange for someone your boss trusts to fight for you.
- Point out the seriousness of the problem. Whether the boss intentionally or unintentionally says what you think cannot be gathered, and the situation