2019年3月14日 星期四



Avoid working friendships that drain your time and energy
Having friends at work can make you happier and more efficient. However, if these friendships take up too much of your time and energy, they may exhaust you. If this happens, what would you do?
Don't cut off each other suddenly. Instead, make small changes to change the dynamics of the relationship. Try to reduce the intensity of your interaction and the amount of time you spend together.
If you often talk face to face, switch to the phone; if you talk on the phone, switch to e-mail. Emphasize your professional relationship by focusing as much as possible on your work. If you can't draw such a hard line, set boundaries when considering what aspects of friendship you want to maintain.
For example, if you often give advice to your friends, choose one or two questions that you are willing to help and let them solve the remaining problems themselves. Finding a balance takes time. Keep strong and stick to your boundaries.

