2019年3月14日 星期四



Should you consider your boss's counteroffer?
When you are invited to work for another company, should you consider your current employer's counteroffer? It depends on why you want to leave.
If the change is only for compensation, consider whether accepting a counteroffer will damage your reputation. This may lead to executives questioning your loyalty or colleagues loathing your special treatment.
On the other hand, if leaving is a strategic move for your career, staying may not be the best choice. After all, a higher salary won't change the job you're not satisfied with, or the job you've grown up with.
But if the counteroffer includes a new role that excites you and keeps you growing, then weigh the pros and cons. Consider the long-term question: If you accept a counter-offer, how likely will you want to leave in a year or two?
If you are still unsure about what to do, discuss it with your mentor or trusted colleagues.

