2019年2月20日 星期三


What is the real meaning of the catchwords in the job advertisement?
Common words and phrases in decoding job descriptions
After reading many job advertisements, you will be familiar with a set of commonly used words. Are you a self-starter? Are you "energetic" and "detail-oriented", "sense of humor" and "multi-tasking"? These jargons may start to merge, but they seem meaningless.
These phrases and words are repeated frequently because it is difficult to classify the qualities expected of a job, a company and an employee in a short time. But don't overlook the trendy keywords just because they are overused -- words and phrases in job advertisements can provide a lot of insight into roles, cultures, expectations and companies.
Common buzzwords for work releases
Look back at this list of frequently mentioned job terms to help you understand the meaning of these phrases, their reasons, and how to adjust your application and interview answers to these situations.
Communication Skills: It is often written as "Strong Communication Skills", including this sentence, which means that work requires interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to speak and write clearly. You may want to emphasize the responsibility of working directly with customers or having demonstration experience.
Similar keywords: Strong Interpersonal Skills, Writing Skills, Oral Skills
Competitive Salaries: It will be listed so as to show that the company knows the salary range of the position and that the salary will be in the market. It's also up to you to know the salary range so that you can negotiate well. Use these salary negotiation strategies to ensure that you get the best offer.
Detail Oriented: From sending e-mail without typing errors to managing the details of complex events, the detail oriented person checks and then checks again to ensure that any task is executed error-free and flawless. Emphasize organizational responsibilities, such as planning events, setting up calendars or overseeing projects. Your application and behavior in the interview can directly prove your ability to manage details. Follow all application instructions carefully; have a perfect resume and cover letter; appear on time during the interview, and have enough copies of the resume and professional demeanor.
Similar keywords: Organizational Power
Dynamic: Consider it as an updated version of "Show Initiative" - an exciting employee assumes responsibilities that go beyond his job description. They are confident, independent thinkers and leaders in projects and teams. Prove that you are an energetic employee by emphasizing channels that transcend job descriptions and leadership models.
Similar keywords: Leadership, Self-Motivation, Change Adapter, Showing Initiative
Fast-Paced: Are you good at last minute work, unexpected drill assignments, unexpected lateness and multiple deadlines? The use of this word in job descriptions may mean long hours of work. It may also indicate that a company is constantly changing or tends to change unexpectedly in direction. Prepare examples of how you manage multiple projects or respond to last minute changes to impress the interviewer.
Similar keywords: Flexible, Deadline-Oriented, Multi-Tasking, Working Well under Pressure
Flexibility: Sometimes the keywords "no small job" or "willing to participate" indicate that a company may have a very flat organization. Don't expect people to print documents for you; in a flexible work environment, people often expect employees to solve their own problems. Also note that this may mean switching work quickly to unexpected times (such as evenings and weekends) to get the job done and to be able to do things other than the job description. At a lower level, this may also mean that you will be asked to do some humble work (brewing coffee; cleaning up the office; emptying garbage).
Similar keywords: Working Well under Pressure, Thinking Unrestricted, Multi-Tasking
High Growth Opportunities: This may mean something, from low salaries to high turnover jobs. A position with "high growth potential" is likely not to last long. This may mean that you will be promoted to a better position, or that the job is so heavy that no one will stay in that position for a long time. Tip: In your interview, ask someone who has played this role before.
Ninja: Most commonly seen in startups and technology job descriptions, the master is an updated version of "enthusiastic" employees. Companies use this word to indicate that they are looking for a superstar, the best, but also to convey that the office environment is young, interesting and vibrant. Don't use this word to describe yourself, it will seem too complacent. Note that the use of these types of words in the workplace may indicate that the author is not sure how to describe the role, or may imply that the work takes a long time and energy consumption.
Similar keywords: Star, Hero, Preacher
Passionate: The use of the word in job descriptions indicates that employees need to do more than punch in; companies want employees to be enthusiastic about the work, industry and company involved. Don't complain or leave work on time! This term is particularly common in non-profit and technical work lists. Careful study of the company before writing a cover letter and interviewing will help you to appear to be involved in the company's business and role.
Similar keywords: Enthusiastic, Energetic, Focused
Result Oriented: Did you save money in your last position? Has inefficiency been eliminated? Participation in award-winning projects? Use this keyword as an excuse to point out some of your accomplishments in your cover letter (and interview, if you get it); including the phrase that means that the company is interested in candidates who save money, employee time, new sales or any expected results in the work industry.
Self-Enlightener: Expect a position that does not involve a lot of guidance, weekly meetings with the chief executive, or setting a check-in position. Highlight the time you work independently. If you are a person who likes to ask many questions or needs feedback and affirmation, it may not be a good role for you. Moreover, if the role requires a lot of work that you are not familiar with, this may not be a very suitable one. If you take on an unfamiliar responsibility and do not provide training or supervision, you will fail yourself.
Similar keywords: Initiative, Good Work under Pressure, Willingness to Work Independently, Entrepreneurship, Independence, Resourcefulness
Teamwork: This common job advertisement indicates that the company is more interested in the results than who does it. Emphasize your ability to work well with others and your strengths in brainstorming and collaboration. When answering some questions in an interview, you may want to use "us" instead of "me".
As you can see, behind the cliche of job advertisements, there is a lot of valuable information hidden. When you plan your cover letter and prepare for an interview, remember the author's motto: "Show, don't say". Find ways to prove that you embody the qualities detailed in these phrases. Instead of describing yourself as a "self-starter," describe the time you spend working on a project independently.

