一份待辦事項清單(To-Do List)可以幫助你保持有條理和專注,但它也會變得太困難,當它太長,你不知道下一步該怎麼辦。
然後根據工作計劃上的截止日期,使用工作計劃來為每個重要任務省去時間。一旦你控制了你的優先次序,你就會感到解放,專注於對你真正重要的事情。Don’t Have One To-Do List — Have Three
to-do list can help you stay organized and focused, but it can also become
overwhelming when it gets too long and you’re not sure what to tackle next.
keeping three lists — and a calendar. To start off, think about all of the
tasks assigned to you. Which of them truly have to get done (chances are, some
don’t)? And which are truly urgent?
the first to-do list, write down your projects that are important but aren’t
time-sensitive. On the second, write the things that are important and need to
get done today. The third list is a not-to-do list, to remind you which things
aren’t worth your time and which can be done by someone else.
use the calendar to block out time for each important task according to its
deadline. Once you get control of your priorities, you’ll feel liberated to
focus on what really matters to you.