2018年6月30日 星期六



Returning to Work After a Mental Health Leave
After you’ve taken time off from work for mental health reasons, returning to the office can be a challenge. How do you get back into the daily grind without compromising your health?
First, consider whether you should initially go back full-time or part-time. Dealing with a mental illness can be exhausting, so give yourself the time you need.
Next, weigh the pros and cons of being open about your situation. You may opt not to tell people exactly what you’re dealing with, but be prepared for their questions. A brief, simple narrative can help. You might say something like, “I took time off for health/personal reasons, but things are fine now and I’m happy to be back to work.”
Come up with a mantra to help you during the transition: “Take it a few hours at a time” or “Be compassionate to myself.” And rely on your support system — a family member, a close friend, a doctor or therapist, and perhaps a trusted colleague — and turn to them whenever you need encouragement.

