- 八個訣竅讓妳的老闆付妳更多工資
妳的老闆可能會拒絕妳的加薪要求。妳怎麼辦? 這完全取決于他回復給妳的拒絕理由。如果他拒絕的理由是他不認同妳的工作表現,那麼妳要判斷這是不是事實?同意立即給妳加薪。這不是很棒嗎?妳什麼都沒做,她就給妳加薪了。這可能會讓妳質疑他為何不在妳提出加薪要求之前,就先給妳加薪?妳會因而生悶氣。如果這是事實,妳是否有機會扭轉?如果妳認為這不是事實,他對妳的批評只是藉口。在這個情況下,妳可能會想要另尋可以讓妳感激的去處。
How to ask for a raise? (2)
- Eight tips to get your boss to pay you more
It's been too long since you got a raise, and your boss doesn't seem ready to do so. Even if you know you deserve a higher salary, like most people, you will hesitate to ask your boss for a raise directly. You have three choices. You don't do anything, and then your salary stays where it was. You can look for another job and get a higher salary. Or, you can ask for a raise. Obviously, it's no longer practical to wait for the boss to take action. In this way, finding another job will be a headache for you.
What are you waiting for? Here are some tips for raising your salary to your boss:
Identify other people's salary levels in your industry
Before you get in touch with your boss, you need to do some research. You need to know the usual salary level in your industry so that you can see if your salary is really below normal. You can work with friends or colleagues in this industry. But be aware that many people don't want to talk about money.
You can also get salary information from the public media. For example, human recruitment websites provide a lot of job recruitment information, and some companies will publish the starting salary of the positions they recruit. If you are a member of a business association, you can also learn about it.
Know how much salary you can get
Keep in mind that due to differences in education and job qualifications, there is a considerable gap between each company's salary Union and the published figures.
You must have a realistic understanding of your expectations. Consider your seniority, level of education, and the certificates of your professional skills, as well as your time in your existing company. You should even consider where you work. Salaries in big cities are usually higher than those in small towns.
Assess your company's financial health
Be careful when you ask for a raise. Avoid asking for a raise when your company has financial problems or the industry is in a lot of uncertainty. Although you are a company employee, you can feel the company's financial situation more or less, but don't rely on your observation, you should do some practical research, such as looking at the company's financial statements, and related company and industry news.
Prepare your speech
Once you have identified the right time and gathered all the relevant information, you are ready to meet your boss. Prepare your request for a raise first. Even if you think you deserve the numbers you expect, your boss may not recognize them as such. You have to convince him. You need to sell yourself as you go to a job search.
First, list all your achievements. Start with your recent work accomplishments and then move back to earlier ones. Describe the contribution of these achievements to the company. Be precise. For example, don't just say that you have increased the company's profits, tell your boss the exact number, the challenges facing the company at that time, and the key roles you played. Next, use these success stories to introduce your key job skills that contribute to these successes.
Finally, tell your boss how you will use your skills and resources to develop your future work plans in the company. Remember, describe clearly.
Decide what you will do if you are rejected or fail to get the salary you expect.
Before you go into your boss's office and ask for a raise, you have to be careful. Once he refuses or is willing to give you a lower number than you expect, will you decide to quit or wait a while to ask for a raise? Your decision will be based on your boss's reply. For example, did he refuse because he didn't approve of your performance, or was there any other situation?
Make an appointment with your boss
Now that you're ready, it's time to talk to your boss. That's not what you can say when you walk down the hallway. This is a serious topic.
You have to take this as a matter of general prudence to visit clients or to attend job interviews. Make an appointment with your boss to discuss your salary increase request. Don't email or ask for a raise on the phone. The only reason you can do this is that you and your boss don't work in the same city.
Talk with the boss
Your boss may agree to give you an immediate raise. Isn't that great? She'll give you a raise if you don't do anything. This may lead you to wonder why he didn't give you a raise before you asked for it. You get sulky.
Keep calm. Focus on the facts. Emotions are not good for you, and can even hurt your negotiations.
Don't use your living expenses as a reason for asking for a raise. It's not your boss's problem. In the eyes of your boss, your salary already includes everything you need to support your life. Your life needs have nothing to do with the company.
Respond to the boss's refusal to raise salary
Your boss may refuse your request for a raise. What do you do? It depends entirely on the reason he responded to your refusal. If the reason for his refusal is that he doesn't agree with your performance, do you want to judge whether it's true or not? Agree to give you an immediate raise. Isn't that great? She'll give you a raise if you don't do anything. This may lead you to wonder why he didn't give you a raise before you asked for it. You get sulky. If that's true, do you have a chance to reverse it? If you don't think it's true, his criticism of you is just an excuse. In this case, you may want to find another place to be grateful.
Try to find out if there is a chance to change the situation? If you know of this opportunity, ask your boss to give you some time to reassess your salary request. For example, you would like to have an opportunity to listen to your boss's suggestions or plans on how to improve your job in the next performance appraisal so that you can discuss your salary increase request again.