2018年2月28日 星期三



Don't let pressure turn you into a jerk 
When you're under intense stress, it's normal to have an occasional emotional short-circuit. But don't vent your stress on people around you-whether it's your assistant, your family, or your staff. Putting them through your frustrations can strain your relationships and hinder your resilience. 
Even if your stress is beyond your control-heavy workload, changing regulatory requirements, and a slowing market-it's not them that put pressure on you. The next time you're under stress and you want to raise your voice, take a deep breath and remember not to point your frustration at people who aren't worth it. Think of your colleagues and family as the allies they want to be. Short fuses are normal when you are under intense pressure. But don't put stress on the person around you, whether it's your assistant, family member or direct report.Putting them under the pressure of frustration can strain your relationships and hinder your resilience. Even if your stress is out of your control-stressful workloads, changing regulatory requirements, market downturns-these stress setbacks are not what they give you. 
The next time you're under stress, you want to raise your voice and take a deep breath. Remember not to tell people your frustration isn't worth venting. Think of your colleagues and family members as if they were trying to be your supporters.

