不要對他們為什麼態度不好作假設, 去查明真相。考慮約你的同事出去喝咖啡或午餐。並邀請幾名其他同事一起參加來提升團隊凝聚力。更多的互動將促進友好的團體關係。
If a Colleague
Has a Bad Attitude, Find Out Why
you work with a guy without team spirit, it's hard to avoid he talk when shouldn't talk, but you'd better
keep in good touch with that guy.
Instead of blaming your
colleagues, you can start from friendly questions. You may ask: "What
do you do now?" The root cause of their behavior may surprise you.
This person might be dealing with a home tense situation, which causes him to disperse in the office attention. Or, he may perceive some work pressure which you are yet
Don’t make assumption
about his
bad attitude. Find out the fact. Consider to have coffee or lunch with him. And,
invite several other colleagues to join to enhance team cohesion. More interaction
will promote friendly relations.