2017年9月10日 星期日


無論是你在績效評估時,或是你在徵求別人的意見時所獲得的回饋意見你認為是錯誤的 你認為那個人不了解情況!他們真的不知道你在做什麼。而且,他們給你的的意見甚至不可行

When You Disagree with Someone's Feedback, Don't Respond Immediately
Whether you are in the performance evaluation, or you consult others, the feedback you get, you think is wrong, you think that people don't understand! They really don't know what you're doing. And the advice they give even not feasible.
A feedback you don’t agree will drive you crazy.
However, although you can make a counter response with abundant evidence, it’s better don’t do it right away.
Give yourself time to understand each other to express. Ask questions such as: "When you say it is "creative ", can you explain more clearly?" You can also ask a trusted friend, the feedback opinion is true or not. Once you fully understand this information, you can take time to consider it. Then, you can decide how to respond.

