2017年9月10日 星期日



Seek Social Support If You Feel Ostracized at Work
When you feel excluded in the work, for example, was not invited to attend a meeting, or did not receive e-mail, or your advice be ignored or was hold, you will be very painful. But don't just blind speculation. That will make you make blind and disorderly conjectures, feeling worse.
You should go to those you familiar or trust, or people have contact with relevant issues. To understand the situation, and request assistance you needed. There may be some reasonable explanation: You are not invited to attend a meeting, because the topic of discussion not relate with your field directly. Dose other people also facing similar trouble? If so, you will get more clearer picture about the real thing, not just you have such a mood.
Finally, find people who value what you can contribute and spend more time with them. A positive relationship with your network can be very helpful to your self-worth and confidence.

