2017年11月16日 星期四


與同事作一對一見面20 - 30分鐘。輪流提供你對對方領導能力或戰畧執行的觀察。這是你提供回饋的機會,幫助你的同事重回正軌,並聽取他們關於你如何改進自己角色的建議。

Communicating with colleagues through fast feedback sessions
If you have hesitated to provide critical feedback to colleagues, you are not alone. Even when we are aware of problems, we often keep silent, so as not to be viewed as a distraction. You can go through and colleagues to establish a "speed dating" feedback dialogue to overcome this discomfort.
Meet your colleagues for 20-30 minutes. Take turns to provide an observation of your leadership or strategy implementation. This is an opportunity for you to give feedback, to help your colleagues get back on track and to listen to their suggestions about how you improve your role.
Repeat this process with each of your colleagues, and develop a plan and follow up to needed. Confirm with your colleagues, and provide constructive feedback that will give you a shared responsibility for each other's success.

