2017年6月6日 星期二


情商(Emotional Intelligence, EI),是一個強大,有效的領導技巧。但太多的人認為情商是表現體貼、給人愉悅。當然,領導能力確實包含了社交、對事敏銳、對人關切、給人甜蜜感,但是領導能力也包含領導人們具有成就、發揮影響力,以及做衝突管理。關鍵是要有一個平衡。

Balance your EQ skills
EQ (Emotional Intelligence, EI), is a strong and effective leadership skills. But too many people think that EQ is showing consideration and giving pleasure. Of course, the leadership does include the social, on the matter of concern, to the sharp, sweet feeling. But EQ also includes people with leadership achievements play, influence, and conflict management. The key is to have a balance.
If your soft emotional skill is very strong, you can focus on strengthening other leadership skills, such as: give the unpleasant feedback. And, how to interact with arrogant colleagues? And, put forward the challenge work, conflict management, self emotional management, etc.

