2017年6月13日 星期二


  1. “我可以做的最大貢獻是什麼?”考慮組織的需要和你獨特的優勢、經驗和能力。但不要只關注你擅長什麼。也問問自己:
  2. 我對什麼充滿激情?”想想你認為最鼓舞人心的項目和任務,以及你能發揮出最大影響的地方。集中你的努力會激勵你付出額外的努力。

Use two questions to help you prioritize
If your boss isn't the kind of supervisor who gives you a lot of instructions, then you have to prioritize for your work.
You can focus on the right things by asking yourself two questions:
  1.  What is the greatest contribution I can make?” To consider the needs of the organization and your unique strengths, experience and ability. But don't focus on what you are good at. Ask yourself:
  2.   “What am I passionate about?” Think about the projects and tasks, what make you most inspiring, and where you can make the most impact? Focusing your efforts will motivate you to put in extra effort.
Prioritize those that you can make a high contribution to and you can have a passion for working on. Prioritize your plans and arrange your work. At the same time, delegate or reject the low-value and low-interest jobs, and the day-to-day work of the meeting.

