2017年6月12日 星期一


  1. 正確地開始你的一天。當你醒來時,不要翻身,開始在你的手機上查收電子郵件。你可以試著做一個簡單的冥想的練習:做幾次深呼吸,寫下你感激的事情,或者冥想20 - 30分鐘。
  2. 組織好你的一天。利用你身體的自然節奏。早上要專注於複雜的、創造性的工作。把會議推到下午。
  3. 整理工作環境。一個乾淨的工作環境可以讓你有可以平靜思維.頭腦。把所有的東西放在抽屜裡。將文件整理好在分類的電腦文件檔內。.在你的手機上,只保留8 - 12個最重要的應用在你的主螢幕上。關閉所有不必要的通知。
Three allows you to focus on work
Every day we continue to get data in anxious behavior, will kill our productivity. Many of us pick up mobile phones or turn on computers at the beginning of the day, and then get lost in a series of notifications and messages.
Here are three things you can do, create more time for yourself, stay focused and work effectively:
  1. Start your day right. Don't stand up when you wake up, start on your mobile phone to check e-mail. You can try doing a simple meditation practice: take a few deep breaths, write something that you appreciate, or meditate for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Organize your day. Use the natural rhythm of your body. Use morning time to focus on complex and creative work. Push the meeting to the afternoon.
  3. Tidy up the working environment. A clean working environment can let you have to calm the mind thinking. Put everything in the drawer. Put your computer documents in file folders. Only reserve 8-12 of the most important applications in your mobile main screen. Close all unnecessary notifications.

