2017年3月29日 星期三


  1. 視覺化。花些時間,將你完成項目可以產生的結果與價值,用圖表畫出來。當你演講看著漂亮的圖表,想著達成任務的滿足感,就會想集中力量去完成它,你就會減少一個不必要的電話,或是減少用在減少流覽不必要的網頁的時間。
  2. 公開預先承諾。多數人不願意被人看來說傻瓜或是懶人。因此,勇敢的說:“我今天下班前,會交給您報告。”如此,會讓你更專心在準備報告上。
  3. 考慮拖延的後果。與其告訴自己你可以拖到明天或過幾天再做,強迫自己去考慮今天不做,而拖延可能會發生的後果。
Thinking of the future by defeating the habit of procrastinating
Usually, it is not enough to make our work complete only by completing the present work. This is because the moment is visible, but the future is virture. But you can beat the procrastination by thinking about the future.
Please do this:
  1. Visualization. Take some time to figure out the results and values that you can produce in the project. When you look at the beautiful charts and feel satisfied with the tasks, you will concentrate on the completion of the tasks, and you will reduce the number of unnecessary calls or reduce the time spent browsing unnecessary web pages.
  2. Public advance commitments. Most people do not want to be seen as stupid or lazy. So, bravely say, "I'll give you a report before I leave work today." This will make you more focused on the preparation of the report.
  3. Consider the consequences of delays. Instead of telling yourself that you can put it off until tomorrow or a few days later, force yourself to think about the consequences of delays if you don't do it today.

