2016年7月14日 星期四


  1. 了解自己哪些事做對了。在面談前,列出你自己完成的項目,自我評估績效如何?對公司有何具體貢獻?需要哪些你特殊的技能來完成這些項目?將這些你所驕傲的內容分享給你的老闆。
  2. 認知自己的弱點,并承諾改善。每個人都會有弱點,你最好不要迴避,坦然的承認。在你的老闆點出來的時候,不要抗拒,說出你計劃改善的方式,提出你需要他支援你的事項,并傾聽他的意見。
How do you prepare for performance assessment?
In the face of the boss to do performance evaluation for you, you will inevitably be nervous. However, you can be prepared to face it with a positive attitude and make yourself lighter.
The following ways will help you prepare for the tough performance appraisal interview.
  1. Understand what you do right. Before you interview, list the projects you completed yourself. What is the performance of self-assessment? What is the specific contribution to the company? What specific skills do you need to complete these projects? Share your pride with your boss.
  2. Recognize your weaknesses and promise to improve. Everyone will have weaknesses. You'd better not avoid it and admit it frankly. When your boss points out, don't resist, say the way you plan to improve, put forward what you need him to support you, and listen to his advice.

