- 先思考,後回應。聽到別人對你的負面評論,即刻採取防衛,是太容易了。但是,你是為了面子還是為了裡子而回應?在你回應之前,先思考你要的結果。別人的評論是否真實?它與你過去所知悉的,是否有合理性?
- 決定要改變什麼?你不須要聽到什麼都回應。找到一個比較容易開始實施改變的,遠比同時應付許多事項要好得多。作為一名領導者,你更應該決定所接到的評論項目中,哪一件是最重要的。
- 請求支援。一旦你承諾接受評論,要做改變,請求你的上司、同仁或下屬給你支持、給你意見。請他們在你還是習慣性的落入老套時,提醒你一下,拉你一把。
What should I
do when I want to cry when my work is frustrated?
Most people will occasionally encounter setbacks
at work, such as a friendly colleague fired, your plan severely criticized, or
the boss think your work performance is not satisfactory, and so on, will make
you want to cry.
No one can get rid of such negative work moods. The next time you're about to burst into tears, try this:
- Get out of the office for a while. Leave the office politely, go to the bathroom, coffee shop, or outside, take a breath of fresh air, or call a friend, and let yourself cry and let out your emotions.
- Face a new situation, start afresh. When you can calm down, give yourself another perspective to assess the situation you are facing. If you truly believe that you have been wrongly perceived, meet privately with your boss or co-worker to explain. Keep your emotions under control and decide how to do better next time.