這樣的工作韻律沒有一個絕對的公式,有人習慣一大早工作,有人習慣當夜貓子。誠實的面對自己,然後專注在工作上,做出好成績,就能夠讓你感到滿意愉快。Find your ideal work rhythm
you don't like the hard work schedule, but you can't have the best work
productivity, maybe it's time to think about your time management.
about your creative produce rhythm: In a month, a week, a day, what time is the
most creative and productive forces for me?
Usually, everyone will have their own can feel the most comfortable working
rhythm. Can you work with the rhythm of
elasticity to fit your pace of work,
the project? The meeting will change from time to time, but if you can arrange
your best rhythm, will be better able to dull and tired will not let you feel
the work.
There is no absolute formula for such work rhythm, people used to work early in the morning, some people used night owls. To be honest with yourself, and concentrate on work, do a good job, can make you happy.
There is no absolute formula for such work rhythm, people used to work early in the morning, some people used night owls. To be honest with yourself, and concentrate on work, do a good job, can make you happy.