2016年10月24日 星期一


  1. 如果因為我要求加薪,而對我不滿,怎麼辦?要避免被拒絕,你要多費心做準備。讓你的老闆或HR人事知道你有心要求加薪。讓他們有時間做準備,並且可以和你私下會晤。
  2. 不知道如何說服老闆給我加薪?停止想象你被拒絕而會垂頭喪氣,轉而想象若是你和老闆有良好的對話而會受到激勵。這樣可以避免你在和老闆對話不順而失面子的難堪。你可以說出你對團隊做出的傑出貢獻,以及預備如何做出更佳的績效。你愈是想要躲開對話就會愈難過
  3. 這不像是我該去做的事。有些人孤傲自負,不屑于去提要求加薪,而寧可苦苦的等待老闆自動給你加薪。你應該丟開這樣的孤傲心態,而將你預備進行的加薪要求,看成是一般的商業談判。即使暫時受到挫折,也還可以繼續進行。
Overcome your hesitation in negotiating a pay rise
 It will be good for you in the long run to be able to get a raise through negotiation. But most people are hesitant about negotiating pay increases. 
Here's how to prepare yourself for a raise and overcome your hesitation: 
  1. What if I am dissatisfied with me because I ask for a raise? To avoid rejection, you have to bother preparing. Let your boss or HR personnel know that you are interested in asking for a raise. Give them time to prepare and be able to meet with you in private. 
  2. I don't know how to persuade my boss to give me a raise. Stop imagining that you will be discouraged by rejection, and imagine that you will be motivated if you have a good conversation with your boss.This will avoid the embarrassment of losing face when you are having a bad conversation with your boss. You can say what outstanding contributions you have made to your team and how you are prepared to do better. The more you want to avoid dialogue, the more sad you will be. 
  3. This is not like what I should do. Some people are so proud that they don't want to ask for a raise, rather than wait for your boss to automatically give you a raise. You should move away from this sense of solitude and regard your proposed pay increase as a general business negotiation. Even if there is a temporary setback, it can continue.

