2016年10月26日 星期三



Before you disagree with your boss, check yourself first

It can be exciting to say something against your boss. However, this is an important workplace skill. You don't want senior executives in the company, including the boss, to think you're no contribution, will only play mouth skin prick. You'll expect your opinion to be respected. So it's best to check yourself out before you say it.

First of all, don't just blow it out without thinking. Why don't you agree with him? You will not be considered political you doing? Or, do you want to? You'd better make sure you're not being selfish.

Second, you had better master all the related facts. The boss usually has more information than the subordinates. What do you miss?
Third, it is best to first share your views with other colleagues. If you can't convince them, it is best not to try to challenge your boss. So, consult with your colleagues, how to persuade the boss? Remember, don't ask your subordinates, they may also hesitate to object to your claims.

