2016年1月1日 星期五



  1. 請你介紹工作。當有人請你推薦介紹進入你的公司,你可以客氣的先請他寫下簡單三段文字,說明他為何是最適合這個職位的人,包含他之前的工作經歷,以及他期望的工作角色。
  2. 請你介紹認識朋友。當有人請你介紹去認識你的人脈網中的某人,可以請他先摘要他的請求,以便讓你轉交給那位他想要見的人。
  3. 請你給予回饋意見。當有人請你就他提出的觀念給予回饋意見,你可以先請他說明他想要得到什麼,并提供更多的材料,例如商業計劃、圖表、或是任何背景資訊。
Please do some homework first and then promise your help
Are you bombarded with many requests for fatigue? Later, if someone asks for your assistance, ask him to do some homework first. Only those who really need your help will seriously respond to your request.
Here are some tips on how to treat people who ask you for help:
  1. Please tell me about your work. When someone asks you to recommend to your company, you can ask him politely to write simple three paragraphs, explain why he is the best person for the job, including his previous work experience and work role he expected.
  2. Please introduce your friend. When someone asks you to introduce someone to your network, you can ask him to abstract his request so that you can hand it to the person he wants to see.
  3. Please give feedback. When someone asks you to give feedback on his ideas, you can ask him to explain what he wants and provide more material, such as business plans, charts, or any background information.

