- 給予說明。將問題發生的原委,向老闆做概要的說明,並讓老闆知道因此而產生的不利影響範圍。
- 負責而積極的提出替代解決方案。提出一個具體可行的替代解決方案,並以積極負責的態度參與討論,直到找到具體可行的方案。不要一副事不關己,任其發展,將後果留給老闆的態度。
- 對發生的後果承擔責任。主動對自己造成的後果表示願意承擔責任,可以最大程度化解老闆與其他同事對你的猜忌,以及不正確的誤解。接受因為自己的錯誤而必須做的必要職務或角色調整,可以重新凝聚團隊力量,讓你在公司未來的發展,具有比較平穩的基礎。
How to report bad news to the boss?
I screwed up the project. What should I do? Do you want to report to your boss truthfully? Will I be blamed?
Nobody likes this situation. But it's no use hiding it, or letting it come out naturally, or waiting for the boss to find out, and it may cause you more trouble.
Next time, when you mess up the project, please report it to your boss promptly and truthfully, and adopt the following methods:
- Explain. Give the boss an overview of the origin of the problem and let him know the scope of the adverse impact.
- Actively and responsibly propose alternative solutions. Put forward a concrete and feasible alternative solution, and participate in the discussion with a positive and responsible attitude until a concrete and feasible solution is found. Don't leave it to yourself, let it develop and leave the consequences to the boss.
- Take responsibility for the consequences. Taking the initiative to show willingness to take responsibility for the consequences you have caused can minimize the suspicions and incorrect misunderstandings of your boss and other colleagues. Accepting the necessary job or role adjustment because of your own mistakes can re-unite the team strength and give you a more stable foundation for future development in the company.