- 不要單獨煩惱。找個一個可信任的朋友或是同事聊聊你所擔心的事情。有的時候,光是聊天就可以幫助你舒緩壓力,並且你的聽眾也許可以提供給你一些好的指導意見。
- 查明事實。通常一個小問題很可能會膨脹數倍成為一個巨大的麻煩。在你受到真正的大困擾前,先去查明事實是如何。查清楚究竟是什麼,有多嚴重,會牽連些什麼。
- 置之不理。當你對實際的問題是束手無策,何不放棄去煩惱它?將它拋諸腦後吧。這樣說也許說得很容易,但是與其讓煩惱纏身,又無處置措施,還不如輕鬆看待。
How to reduce anxiety?
Faced with anxiety is inevitable in our lives, but in today's fast-changing society, excessive anxiety can only lead to worse results. Too much pressure will not only reduce their productivity, but also endanger their health.
Here are three steps to reduce your anxiety:
- Don't worry alone. Talk to a trusted friend or colleague about your worries. Sometimes, just talking can help you relieve stress, and your audience may be able to provide you with some good guidance.
- Find out the facts. Usually a small problem is likely to expand several times and become a huge problem. Before you get really bothered, find out what the facts are. Find out what it is, how serious it is, and what it will involve.
- Ignore it. Why not give up worrying about the real problem when you are at a loss? Leave it behind. It may be easy to say that, but it is better to take it lightly than to let your troubles get bogged down and have no measures to deal with them.