- 關注在工作上,而非工資待遇上。你會離職是因為那份工作不能滿足你。不要將你剛獲得的自由生活糾結在財務上。你應該沉醉于你所選擇的工作。
- 學習、學習、再學習。任何新的體驗都會給你機會去學習,將你得到的寶貴經驗儘可能記錄下來,將你所學習體驗到的內容分享給他人。
- 盡情恣意。準備好迎接人生的各種喜怒哀樂。當高潮來臨時,盡情歡樂,但是在面臨低谷時,也要保持笑容。
How do you live after leaving?
those who are still in the workplace will tell you that now may not be a good
time to quit. They worry that it is not easy to find another good job after
leaving. But some people can see clearly what is meaningful to them even in
times of economic depression. They seem to be crazy and choose to quit to
pursue their interests.
you are ready to leave, remember the following three things:
- Pay attention to the work, not the salary. You will quit because the job can't satisfy you. Don't tie your free life to financial matters. You should be immersed in the job you choose.
- Study, study and re study. Any new experience will give you the opportunity to learn, record your valuable experience as much as possible, and share what you learn and share with others.
- Do whatever you want. Ready to meet all kinds of joy and sadness of life. When the climax comes, enjoy yourself, but smile when you are in the low.