當你想要推動一個專案,你不會希望聽到別人的回復意見是No! 當你沒有得到Yes的支援意見,你心裡會推測別人是會以Maybe(或許可以)來默認願意支援你。但是,若是當你經過很長的時間才確認別人的Maybe其實真正的意思是No, 那會浪費大家的時間與資源。與其如此,還不如儘早得到No的答案。
- 說清楚你的要求。人們通常回復Maybe,是因為他們不是真正清楚你在要求他們做什麼。
- 設定回復時間的底線。無論你是面對投資者、客戶或是下屬員工,說明你為什麼需要他們明確的答覆。設定一個答覆時間的底線,能夠儘快得到究竟是Yes或是No的答案。
- 弄清楚何時人們保持沉默其實就是在說No。人們通常會因為你不願意聽到No而保持沉默。當你已經感受到你的聽眾準備說No, 但是沒有人鼓勵他們說出來,你應該讓他們表示出來。你可以簡單的試探地問:“那麼,我假設你不會反對咯?”這樣的問句可以讓對方給予明確的答覆。
When you want to push a project forward, you don't want to hear someone's response is No. When you don't get Yes's support, you assume that someone else will default to Maybe's support. However, if you take a long time to confirm that someone else's Maybe actually means No, it will waste your time and resources. Instead, we should get the answer of No as soon as possible.
How to confirm others' real opinions as soon as possible?
- Clarify your requirements. People usually respond to Maybe because they don't really know what you're asking them to do.
- Set the bottom line of the response time. Whether you are facing investors, customers or subordinates, explain why you need a clear answer from them. Set a bottom line for the answer time and get the answer to yes or no as soon as possible.
- Finding out when people keep silent is actually saying No. People usually keep silent because you don't want to hear No. When you already feel that your audience is ready to say No, but no one encourages them to say it, you should let them say it. You can simply tentatively ask, "Well, I assume you won't object?" This kind of question can let the other party give a clear answer.