你也可以通過專注於你能完成的事情來讓自己感覺更好。除了你的待辦事項清單外,還保留一份“完成清單”,這樣你就可以提醒自己過去的工作。永遠記住:無論你是否為此感到愧疚,你明天要做的所有工作都會在那裡。因此,放鬆自己,放鬆一下,盡力而為。We’re All Behind at Work. Don’t Feel Guilty About It
you have a never-ending to-do list, it’s easy to feel guilty about what you
haven’t finished. But guilt is useful only when it motivates you to get more
done — it shouldn’t make you feel ashamed.
ease these kinds of emotions when they arise, exercise self-compassion. Imagine
what you’d say to a friend who felt bad for being behind on a few projects.
Chances are you’d tell your friend not to worry about it so much — so tell
yourself the same thing.
can also make yourself feel better by focusing on what you have been able to
accomplish. Keep a “done list” in addition to your to-do list, so you can
remind yourself of past work. And always remember: All that work you have to do
will be there tomorrow, whether you feel guilty about it or not. So cut
yourself some slack, take a breath, and just do your best.