2018年10月19日 星期五



If Your Boss Won’t Advocate for Your Career, Do It Yourself
A good boss can guide your career, but they can also leave you floundering if they won’t support you. If you’re struggling to get the help you need to move up, take your career into your own hands.
Developing a group of mentors is a good way to start. Put together a team of people to support you, both inside and outside your organization. Think broadly across levels and functions. Look for people whose careers are further along than yours and whose style or achievements you admire.
You should also find ways to make yourself visible to important stakeholders in the company — your boss’s boss, for example. Volunteer to work on cross-functional projects that senior leaders will have their eye on. And keep in mind that building your status outside the organization often gains you visibility inside it.
You might decide to join an industry association and work toward a leadership position there, for example, or use social media to engage with top thinkers in your field.

