2018年10月10日 星期三



To Learn a New Language, Set Goals and Practice
Learning another language can be a boon to your career (especially English, which has become the lingua franca of the business world). Whether you need total fluency or just a working knowledge, having a plan can help.
To start, set specific goals for your learning. Decide what you want to be able to do (“I will comfortably deliver a presentation in English…”) and by when (“…before the end of next quarter”). Then create habits around practicing.
Maybe you could read one industry article a day in the new language, or write your weekly team updates in it. And don’t turn learning into a slog.
If you find yourself dreading practice time, rethink your approach: Read the translated version of your favorite book, for example, or enroll in a cooking class that’s taught in the language.
Most important of all, believe in yourself. If your goals start to seem unachievable, make them smaller or more manageable until you regain your confidence.

