2018年8月10日 星期五



When You’re Looking for a Job, Focus on the Process
When you’re applying for jobs but aren’t getting them, it’s easy to feel desperate. But don’t lose your confidence — it’s a key trait that hiring managers look for.
To keep desperation at bay, shift your focus from the outcome you want (“I need a job!”) to the process you’ll use to reach it (“Here are the specific steps I’ll take”).
Check for job openings and apply for positions that suit your experience. Attend networking events to get to know potential employers. Talk to friends and colleagues to find out who’s hiring. And take classes to improve your skills.
Keeping your attention on these small-scale goals will ease your frustration and help you feel productive, especially if finding a job takes longer than expected. And many of these tasks are things you need to do after you get hired as well, so you’re laying the groundwork for your future success once you do land a position. 
Although the recruitment notice does not require you to follow up after the letter of recruitment, you'd better call the recruitment manager or the head of the hiring department after the letter of recruitment, ask the job schedule, make a brief self introduction, and see the engine's attention. Usually he will thank you for your concern about the position.
Of course, if he has decided not to hire you and has not informed you to attend the interview, you can ask him why he is not satisfied with you. You can use it as a reference for the next job offer.

