2018年4月30日 星期一


1.  對付壞老闆或壞經理
2.  如何解雇你的壞老闆
3.   是什麼讓壞老闆變壞?
4.  如何與壞老闆相處?
5.  如何激怒老闆?
6.  如何與老闆相處?
7.  改善與你的細微管理的老闆的關係
8.  和年輕的老闆一起工作

How to get along with a difficult boss?
Nothing in the workplace is more destructive than getting along with a difficult boss. Every employee has a series of working experiences with his boss. You will hope that most of your bosses are capable, kind, and even worthy of trust and respect.
Unfortunately, employees often encounter difficult bosses, affecting their participation and contribution in the work. It's not surprising that the reason employees quit their jobs most often is that it's difficult to live with their bosses, not necessarily companies or their jobs.
As the most destructive or contributive relationship at work, getting along with the boss is the key to employee retention. Learn more about how to deal with difficult bosses.
1. Dealing with bad bosses or managers
You're tired. You're depressed. You are not happy. You have been belittled. Your interaction with your boss will make you feel cold. He is a bully, short-tempered, controlled, critical and stingy man. He deprives you of your performance, never gives you positive feedback, and misses every meeting you arrange with him.
He's a bad boss with a bad temper. Faced with ineffective executives, or just bad executives and bad bosses, this is a challenge for too many employees. These ideas will help you deal with your bad boss.
2. How to fire your bad boss?
If your bad boss is a mean, demeaning, motivated, screaming bully. This is the type of bad boss, and you may want to invest time in firing him.
But you need to be cautious and act wisely so that you don't put yourself and your career in the process. Know what to do?
3. What makes bad bosses worse?
Want to avoid being a bad boss? Worried that you might have been considered a bad boss? Just want to sympathize with those who have bad bosses? Here's a topic about bad bosses.
4. How to get along with bad bosses?
How many times have you witnessed an employee in a supervisory position who has no knowledge or skills to do the job? Have you ever asked why some bosses get their management roles? Because these problems exist in the workplace, I predict that, at least in your work life, you will finish your work under the control of a bad boss. These ideas will help you deal with your bad boss.
5. How to irritate the boss?
Face it. You may push your boss against the wall. Since you think he's a bad boss, it's hard to get along with him. So why not take action to drive her mad? Yes, let him angrily transfer or dismiss you; or, let him be punished or transferred by the boss, so that you have the opportunity to meet a new boss.
If you want to irritate your boss, I have several effective ways. I'll tell you later.
6. How to get along with your boss?
Face it, whether you admit it or not, you have to get along with your boss. No one will be as concerned and involved as you (including your boss). The quality of your relationship with your boss will help you achieve your career goals.
Your boss has an important interdependence with you because he has the information you need to succeed. But without your help, he can't accomplish his work or his goal. See how to get along with your boss.
7. Improve your relationship with your micro-managed boss
Most managerial bosses are not bad people, although they may stare at you on your shoulders and doubt everything you do. If you're a smart employee, you'll realize that it's usually not your problem.
Seriously, you can manage your micro-managed boss.
8. Working with a young boss
The position of the boss comes from years of experience, supervisory and managerial skills, and the ability to lead other employees. If you believe that, think again. One day you will find yourself working for a much younger employer who lacks the skills and experience you expect.
How do you deal with a boss who is not only much younger than you, but also less experienced?

