2018年4月18日 星期三



Working Parents, Incorporate Mindfulness into Tasks You’re Already Doing
We all know that mindfulness can ease stress, but when you’re a working parent, it feels hard to find the time to fit in anything — even 10 minutes of meditation.
Luckily, you can build mindfulness into your busy routine. Spend a few minutes writing down the activities you do each day: drop the kids at school, stop for coffee, commute to work, and so on.
Next, consider where mindfulness can fit. For example, with your morning cup of coffee, create a quick routine where you pause before the first sip, smell the aroma, feel the heat of the mug, and take three intentional breaths.
Similarly, each time you sit down at your computer, you can close your eyes, notice the sensation of your feet on the floor, and feel your breath come in and out. Finding these small but essential moments will benefit both you and your family.

