2018年1月25日 星期四



Before you quit, rehearse what you want to say
Tell your boss that you decide to leave your job is not a simple conversation. But if you are not careful, you might be hurt very much.
Failure to explain clearly why you are leaving, will cause hurtful feeling and misunderstanding lead to hurt feelings, and it will open the door for long and painful attempts to make you stay.
One of the most common regret about resignation is that they didn’t rehearsal what they want to say. So, before you decide to tell your boss, it is best to find a trusted colleague to practice what you have to say.
With your personal and professional reasons to talk about the reasons and purposes of turnover, and how are you going to mitigate the impact on colleagues and company.
Your colleagues may point out that you have not considered the problem, for example, your boss will have time to make arrangements, or to cope with the potential reaction. Ask them for advice on how to ride related conversation.

