2017年5月27日 星期六



Practice to be careful
There are many advantages to being careful. However, many people can not careful, do not know how to do it?
You can overcome obstacles to practice so that you can be careful. You can ask yourself to set aside 10 minutes a day for a month in a row to train yourself to be careful.
In these10 minutes, let yourself focus on one thing, and you can focus on your inner state of mind. Is there any impulse to think about something else? As long as you feel distracted, take it back immediately stay focused on what you are doing, and feel your mental state of concentration and care.
If you really can't be so attentive, you can put in a background music that you can enjoy without distraction. This kind of background music can help you calm down, but will not let your mood split.
Compare the results that you practice carefully every day to see the amount of work you can do with your careful work and the quality of your work. For example, in these 10 minutes, how many words can you write, is the text beautiful?
In this way, you can feel the benefits of being careful, and on the basis of such success, make sure that you continue to be careful.

