2017年7月10日 星期一



Break the list of your bad habits
Everyone has more or less bad habits, such as interrupting someone's speech or watching someone else's whereabouts. You have to try to change your bad habits.
Usually, you will be full of confidence to promise yourself that you will seriously change yourself. But as time goes on, you will restore your bad habits imperceptibly past behavior. Therefore, you must firmly strengthen to change your behavior of practice.
One way is to record your bad habits in a diary list, so you can track every day. There is a table on the diary with a space for you to check, to see if you have standards today. There are standard, hit the hook, did not, on the painting to the fork. At the end of this month you will see the actual behavior results, and the reason can not do.
You can only track one of your bad habits at the beginning. After that, choose another one. So, it's easier to strengthen your willpower.

