2017年1月13日 星期五


  1. 認知作為新手的好處。每個人都不會是全能的,總會有需要學習的。當你對某個領域不夠熟悉,你可以作為新手來提問,或是提出別人沒有想過的問題。你可以用別的方法來解決問題,或是試著以別人的方法來做,從中體會困難,獲得經驗。
  2. 抱著學習的心態。多關注在學習,而非在意你的表現成果。不要擔心會犯錯。要知道你的限制與錯誤,可以幫助你成長。
  3. 知道你不是唯一這麼做的人。認知別人若是在你的處境,也會有同樣的感覺。在做出仿效行為時,可以對自己寬心一些。
Intimating others is not a complete shame
We are often regarded as counterfeit goods, copying others and being considered unqualified to be responsible for assigned work. And feel ashamed. However, even if CEO occasionally imitated others, it would be difficult for him to get rid of such difficulties.
Later, if you are faced with the embarrassment of someone who thinks you are copying someone, try this:
  1. The benefits of novice. Everyone is not almighty, and there is always a need to learn. When you are not familiar with a particular field, you can ask questions as a novice or ask questions that others have not thought about. You can use other ways to solve the problem, or try to do it in other people's way, to experience difficulties and to gain experience.
  2. Take the attitude of learning. Pay more attention to learning than your performance. Don't worry about making mistakes. Knowing your limitations and mistakes can help you grow.
  3. Know that you are not the only person to do this. Knowing that someone else is in your situation will feel the same way. You can be more comfortable with yourself when you act in intimate.

