重點不是究竟如何完全翻轉你的工作方式,而是讓做出改變成為一種習慣。Change work habits and increase productivity
behavior is a regular way that allows you to keep repeating and making more
results. People often try to change the way he works, hoping to improve their
productivity, but eventually they return to the old habits.
you don't change your environment, you may not be able to play a role in your
new way of work. This may be because your original way of work can be more
adaptable to your workspace. Even if your new idea may sound reasonable, it's
easy to feel more adaptable to the old habits.
any case, you can start to try to change the way you work. You can start with a
slightly modified part of the work. For example, every day 5 minutes earlier
than usual, arrive at the office, with a few minutes to list today's to-do
projects, even if you can't list all of them, even if you can confirm which
project your boss or colleagues are looking for in the morning. This allows you
to improve your focus.
point is not how to completely flip the way you work, but to make a change a