- 參加網絡社群。這是習慣安靜的內向者比較適合的作法。例如,你可以寫寫博客文章,表達出你對某個主題的想法。然後,就有機會吸引人在網上和你交談。
- 建立1對1的聯繫。如果你在1對1的對話中可以感到比較舒適,而不習慣在大群人之間發言,那麼,你就為自己安排一次只和一個人對話。你可以每週分別邀請別的部門的同事一起聚餐,逐漸的,你就會建立起一個很有活力的人脈網。
- 展示個人標章。一些精巧的小玩意兒也可以幫助你建立起個人形象,而不勞你費一分口舌。例如,你可以在辦公室墻上掛上你的獎狀、證書,或是在辦公桌上放上你收集的精巧藝術品。
many personal image-building practices tend to favour extroverts, such as
acting as a leader, chairing professional associations, initiating a lecture, or
giving a public speech, etc. Introverts can also
have ways to build their personal image.
- Join the online community. This is more appropriate for introverts who are accustomed to tranquility. For example, you can write a blog post to express your thoughts on a topic. Then, you have the opportunity to attract people to talk to you online.
- Establish a one-to-one connection. If you can feel comfortable in a 1 on 1 conversation and are not used to speaking in large groups, then schedule yourself to talk to only one person at a time. You can invite colleagues from other departments to dinner each week and gradually you will build up a dynamic network of contacts.
- Display your personal badge. Ingenious gadgets can also help you build up your personal image without a hassle of effort. For example, you can hang your certificate or certificate on the wall of your office, or put your collection of artwork on your desk.