2016年1月21日 星期四



Know your life plan that you didn't write down
To develop your future prospects, you need two sets of plans. One is written down by you as a commitment to others, the other is put in your mind, changing and adjusting at any time, only responsible for yourself.
This undisclosed blueprint of life development will keep you thinking about who you want to be in the future, what you want to achieve, how you can be satisfied, and how you are prepared to achieve such goals.
The life development plan that you write down and commit to the outside world is usually a career development plan with specific goals, action plans and clear assumptions.
The blueprint of your life development that you don't have in mind is usually a general direction, and your preferences for interests are not too specific.
However, as your life experience grows and enriches, you will have many opportunities to test whether the ideas in your head are practical. Then you will gradually revise your imagination and become a realistic action, a concrete development plan, and invite your partners and family members to participate in the realization.

