首先,你應該閱讀作者的自我簡介,了解他的生平與過去著作。其次,閱讀他對這本著作的摘要介紹。接著,查看書本目錄(Table of Content),大致了解這本書的寫作架構,以及大致涵蓋的內容。
若是你感覺對于一些相關的基本知識或是名詞不清楚,那麼你可以花一些短時間,閱讀前面2 – 3章,不會更多。如此,你就可以大致掌握整本書的重要邏輯與基本知識了。
這樣做,你最多用二個下午或晚上時間,就可以說讀完這本書了。一個月后,你可以再快速閱讀一次,融合你這段時間的思考心得。如此,你即使不能夠成為專家,也已經入門了,在和朋友們聊天的時候,你多少可以侃侃而談了。How to read quickly and grasp the main points of the book?
In this era of knowledge
explosion, everyone has to continue to enrich themselves, and reading books is
a necessary way to let themselves grow. However, how can I take the time to
read a book when his time is filled with all kinds of work and activity? Let me
share the habit of reading that I have developed since I was in college.
need to know that you don't need to read a book from the cover to the bottom of
the cover, and every page is turned over. But you can grab the main points of
the book in a different way.
you should read the author's self - Introduction to understand his life and
past works. Second, read his summary of the book. Then, look at the Table of
Content, a general understanding of the writing architecture of the book, and
roughly the content of the book.
have a speculative and effective reading method, which is to look at the last
chapter and see the conclusion of the whole book. Usually, in this last
chapter, the author will also review how he deduces such a conclusion, that is
to say, he will give you a summary of what chapters he has made.
you feel that you are not aware of some of the relevant basic knowledge or
nouns, then you can take a short time to read the first 2 - 3 chapters, not
more. In this way, you can get a general grasp of the important logic and basic
knowledge of the whole book.
you feel it's necessary to know more about some of the key points, then you can
go deeper into these chapters.
you want to, you can write a few words in the title page of the book, and the
summary of your mind is usually not more than 20 words.
this way, you can read the book at most two p.m. or evening. After a month, you
can read it once more quickly and combine your thoughts with your time. So,
even if you are not able to become an expert, has also started, and friends in
the chat, you can talk.