首先,先確信自己的態度是願意建立協同工作的關係。不要開口就是高談闊論,或是語帶不快,而可以這樣說:“維持好的工作關係,對我是重要的,而有些事擱在我心裡 – 我可以和你談談嗎?”
What do you do when a colleague annoys you?
you work closely with others, you often encounter tension. Many of us will be
tongue tied, his speechless, afraid to hurt camaraderie. But keeping things
vague usually only makes the situation worse. In contrast, you should try to
turn the situation into constructive.
make sure that your attitude is willing to establish a cooperative
relationship. Don't talk or talk too fast, but you can say this: "a good
working relationship is important for me, and something is in my heart -- can I
talk to you?"
then, to state the facts, to bring up an event, to tell your feelings, why are
you so concerned about it? Make sure you end up asking, "what's your point
of view?" Even if you don't agree with his reply, listen carefully.
Then, you can determine how the two sides can improve together. When
both sides are aware of the facts and are willing to cooperate, there is a
chance to get an improvement in the stalemate.