2016年3月20日 星期日


  1. 多問,了解實際的工作要求。在辦公室工作的最大好處是你隨時知道公司面臨的動態,以及老闆與同事在思考什麼。若是你不在辦公室,更需要多詢問上級交待委託的工作,應該有些什麼考慮?是否需要保留哪些彈性?不要自我假設你知道老闆的工作期待。免得你花了心力,最後卻發現做了白工。
  2. 主動約開會安排。無論是1-1的會議,或是數人的小組會議,你都有必要主動要求安排。即使是用電話或是視訊來開會,你都可以從與會者的口氣中,探知到你不在辦公室里的一些蛛絲馬跡。當然,開會的主要目的不在此,但是了解辦公室的化學氛圍,經常能夠讓你掌握先機。
  3. 盡可能把握可以見面的機會。無論是你返回公司辦公室述職,或是安排遠程會議,盡可能安排能夠彼此見面,例如,視訊會議。這有助於人際關係的更融洽發展。在視訊會議中,要穿著得體,將桌面清理乾淨,不要讓人感覺你一副邋遢相,讓遠端的老闆或是同事感受到你對開會與工作的重視。
Even if you are not in the office, you can still work effectively
If you are stationed in the field, or are on a long business trip, or you serve a business in the form of SOHO, you don't usually see the other colleagues / employees in the office. It is necessary to maintain effective and productive teamwork.
The following tips can help you to become an effective team member, even if you are not in the office every day.
  1. More questions, understand the actual work requirements. The greatest advantage of working in an office is that you always know what the company is facing and what your boss and colleagues are thinking about. If you are not in the office, you need to ask more about the work entrusted by the superior. What should be considered? Do you need to keep the elasticity? Don't assume that you know the boss's job expectations. If you don't put your heart into it, you will eventually find yourself a white worker.
  2. The initiative is scheduled for a meeting. Whether it is a 1-1 meeting or a group meeting of a number of people, you need to take the initiative to ask for the arrangement. Even if you are meeting by phone or video, you can get some clues from your attendees in your office. Of course, the main purpose of the meeting is not here, but understanding the office's chemistry atmosphere often allows you to master the initiative.
  3. Take the opportunity to meet as much as possible. Whether you return to a company's office, or arrange teleconferencing, arrange as many meetings as possible, such as video conferencing. This contributes to a more harmonious development of interpersonal relationships. In video conferences, you should be well dressed, clean the table, don't feel you are a slovenly, let the far end boss or a colleague feel your attention to the meeting and the work.

