你若是新官上任,應該先和幾名資深員工會面,以開放的態度咨詢他們幾個意見, 例如:“如果你是這部門的主管,你會最優先處理哪三件事?為什麼?”“阻礙我們成功的有哪三件最大的障礙?我們可以發展的有哪三件最大的機會?
When a new official takes office, he should ask more questions than succeed
Some people have been promoted and transferred to a department in charge. Once they take office, they will be able to succeed in everything. They often give orders, as if under his leadership, this department can have new performance immediately.
Such a new official is very easy to Waterloo.
Departmental employees may not adapt, feel disrespected, and let you resist the responsibility.
If you are a new official, you should first meet with several senior employees and consult them with an open attitude. For example, "If you were the head of this department, what three things would you give the highest priority to? Why? "What are the three biggest obstacles to our success? What are the three greatest opportunities we can develop?
Listen carefully to their advice and write it down. You can learn from these meetings what the real problems are in this department and how to inspire good ideas.
What's more, your willingness to listen demonstrates your respect for employees and establishes your leadership authority.