- 深入查明。嘗試去接觸有可能參與決策的人,以真誠的態度去問實際的原因是什麽,你必須表示你希望聽到事實,即使真實的答案會讓你聽起來不舒服。
- 不要抗拒。仔細聽,不要辯解,或是嘗試施小惠來企圖扳回。避免說出任何可能會被解讀為你意圖抗拒的言論。
- 注意關鍵詞。如果你得到的回覆語言還是比較籠統的,例如:“你必須改進溝通技巧。”這樣的話語背後,可能有藏著更嚴重的問題。你必須另外設法查明這些含糊的語言背後的真實原因。
Why didn't you get an upgrade?
the company announces a staff upgrade list, but you don't have an upgrade list,
what do you have to find out? But your boss and HR supervisor usually give you
only vague and vague answers, because they still don't want to lose a potential
employee directly.
how do you know why you have not been upgraded? Try the following:
- In-depth identification. Try to reach out to people who are likely to be involved in decision-making and ask in a sincere manner what the real reason is. You have to show that you want to hear the truth, even if the real answer makes you sound uncomfortable.
- Don't resist. Listen carefully, do not excuse, or try Shi Xiaohui to try to pull back. Avoid saying anything that might be interpreted as your intention to resist.
- Pay attention to key words. If you get the reply language is still more general, for example, "you have to improve communication skills." Behind this discourse, there may be more serious hidden problems. You must also try to find out the real reasons behind these vague language.