- 做些準備動作。在你請求獲得批准前,用手上有的工具或資源來做一些準備工作。這些準備應該是容易進行的,而且可以幫助你將你的創意獲得更好的曝光機會。
- 讓你的老闆知道。讓他有機會知道你正在籌備一些新的發展,然後吸引他的注意力。
- 提出一些小要求。當你需要一些資源來推動你的創意時,向你的老闆提出一些在他可以承受得起的損失範圍內
If you have a great idea, but your boss may not agree, don't ask for it. At least don't do it in the first place.
But you can do this:
- Do some preparatory exercises. Before you ask for approval, do some preparation with the tools or resources at hand. These preparations should be easy to make and help you get a better exposure to your ideas.
- Let your boss know. Give him the opportunity to know that you are preparing for some new developments and then attract his attention.
- Make some small demands. When you need resources to push your ideas forward, ask your boss for a few small requests in the range of losses he can afford. Then, you do something that really proves to be effective, and you end up putting all your chips on the table.