2015年11月3日 星期二


  1. 你喜歡的,不一定是你所擅長的。也許你喜歡的工作,不見得是你能夠表現的比較好的。也許你自己很難自我評估,可以去問問你的老闆或是同事,讓他們誠實的告訴你,你的強項是哪些。
  2. 你會不會太過感性了?你的熱情也許會矇蔽掉你的判斷力。當你對某些事情一頭熱的時候,你可能很難聽得進別人的批評,也難以讓別人參與進來。
  3. 那只是興趣,而不是工作。不幸的是,你喜歡的工作,不一定能夠產生應該支付你的報酬。你應該找一些真的可以產生工資報酬的工作來做。
Don't pick your favorite job
It's great to be able to do what you really like, and it does bring happiness and fulfillment to you.
But usually it can not be so ideal, and the work that is often undertaken is not always what one likes. What should you do?
  1. What you love, not what you can do better. You may love the work, not necessarily you can do better. You may find it difficult to do self-assessment. Ask your boss or colleagues, let them tell you honestly, what are your strengths.
  2. Will you be too emotional? Your enthusiasm may blind your judgement. When you are hot with something, you may find it difficult to listen to other people's criticism and make it difficult for others to get involved.
  3. It's just interest, not work. Unfortunately, the job you like doesn't always happen. You should pay for it. You should find something that really pays you.

