2018年7月5日 星期四

用“if – then”來改變你的行為

下一步,框架好你會遇到什麼障礙,然後再擬定你的“如果- 那麼(if - then)”聲明。舉例來說,為了解决代表團的障礙,你可以告訴自己:“如果我對自己沒有完成這項工作感到不安,那麼我會在下一個團隊會議上要求更新它。”最後,提示(如果“If部分)和動作之間的聯系。(Then)會變得足够强大,幫助你改變你的反應。
通過使用if - then語句,你可以思考什麼會妨礙你的工作,並製定一個計畫來克服它。

Use If-Then Thinking to Change Your Behavior
We all have habits and behaviors we wish we could change. But just being aware of a bad habit isn’t enough.
To truly fix it, start by considering your goal (say, “I want my team to know that I trust them”) and the obstacles you expect to face along the way (“I struggle to delegate”).
Next, frame what you will do about the obstacles as if-then statements. To address the delegation obstacle, for example, you could tell yourself: “If I start to feel uncomfortable about not completing the work myself, then I’ll ask for updates on it in our next team meeting.” Eventually the link between the cue (the “if” part of the statement) and the action (the “then”) will become strong enough to help you change how you react.
By using if-then statements, you can think through what will get in your way and make a plan to overcome it. 

