2018年7月7日 星期六




When Joining a Company, Figure Out How Decisions Are Made
When you join an organization, you have a short window of time to adapt to its culture. And one of the most important aspects of a work culture is how decisions are made. Does your new company have a bias for action, or a bias for analysis and consensus?
In organizations with the former, decisions are made quickly and attention spans tend to be limited. If you’re pushing for an initiative in these companies, present your position clearly and give stakeholders the information they need to make a decision.
Other company cultures prefer a more protracted discussion of options, models, and strategies. In these companies you’ll likely need to send around materials and analyses, and perhaps even redo a presentation several times, before a decision is made.
Once you understand how your new organization works, think about your own preferences and how they fit with the culture. 

